Monday, December 6, 2010

The Power of WORDS...

Choose the WORDS you speak wisely--because they are a powerful PRAYER at all times. They can hurt U or cause u2 soar. Words can bring light to a sad face, or anger to one that was content.

So what are u "praying" over yourself , your life, or others when u
speak? If u say sticks & stones break bones but words will never
matter...think again, they matter greatly, or God would have choose
something OTHER than WORDS to fill the Bible. :-) And as a writer, I
dig that!!! ♥

The Pseudo-Power of Positive Thinking

“Put the words of Jesus in your mouth and keep them there, so THE BLESSING can work uninterrupted until it is finished, and whatever
you’re believing for has manifested in your life.” – Kenneth Copeland

The power of "positive thinking" is based on SELF-generated-prophesy--an
empty power that is doomed to fall apart when the first sign of a real
storm comes along. The power of God's WORD is based on unshakable TRUTH
that has already stood the test of time. Foolish is the one who thinks
to live by the principles of God and yet give him zero glory. ♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday, November 21, 2010

"Seek to understand, and you'll be understood." ...Cause yourself to be in a place where you are emotionally and mentally centered enough to not only 'walk a mile' in the other person's shoes--but to actually FEEL what it is to be in their shoes.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Line Up, then Begin Again

This weekend I've spent ample time seeking my Creator, in my belly this is what I heard, "Time, patience and endurance wins the race. I know the desires of your heart and know that I am working things together for your good. DO NOT question things, for I am doing a good work. You have jumped ahead too soon, and as a result you have fallen behind. Now, begin again, walk the steps I have laid for you. DO NOT look to circumstances but trust and be patient. Have faith! As you line up, what your heart desires can then be opened to you." God, I'm at the foot of your throne embracing u with everything that I am. Thank you.