Tuesday, January 25, 2011


[HOLD fast to HOPE] Cling to your dream or your vision, whatever that may be. You've got to BELIEVE. Have faith in God; trust He is working all things together for your good. ... "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all".
--Dale Carnegie (art by Daniel Mallek -- gnfchurch.org)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Choose to Hear and Do

Everything in life is a CHOICE. Do not be like those who sit back and wait on CHANCE to arrive (their ship comes in, their lottery ticket wins, ect). Successful people work with God, HEARING His voice and being doers of His word — following what He’s asked us to do (don’t know what that is? Ask Him. :-) — and when you do that, the doors of opportunity will open wide!

---THEA (Art work by Eugene Thirion 1876 -- Joan of Arc)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Faith needs Action!

Faith requires an action, and like that winter coat in your closet, you have to take it out and USE it for it to be effective. How? ‘PRAYING ‘(it’s like reaching up and shaking God’s hand in agreement—sealing the faith deal), ‘SPEAKING’ o.n.l.y what lines up with God, and stepping out and ‘DOING’ what God has asked us to do...even if it makes no sense in the natural. Then, STAND FIRM and repeat. ;-)