Sunday, November 10, 2013

MOVIE: 'Paradise Recovered' Review...

The movie, 'Paradise Recovered' (2010) represents a young woman's awakening from a cult, not an actual non-denominational church--though that's what the cult calls itself. I say this first to make clear that this DOES NOT represent what real non-denominational churches are like. That being said, this movie is an excellent portrayal of what 'legalism' and 'man-made religiosity' looks like. Yuck....

This movie touches on:

1)  Modern day pharisees--cult leaders and control freaks who long to control people through terror and oppression.
2)  False prophets and church leaders who "play the game" for the purpose of social status, power, and/or financial gain--through Biblical half-truths, oppression, and manipulative terror tactics.
3)  Lost and confused followers, who are too oppressed and afraid to ask badly needed questions or make waves (of any kind) that might lead to the truth and subsequent freedom.
4)  Well educated skeptics who are truly great people on a journey that may well lead them to Christ; and who were far better representatives of Christ than the cult church!
5)  And lastly, a true minister of the Gospel who, like Christ, chooses to love and accept people where they are, and who is not afraid to allow the Grace of God (not condemnation and control) do a work in people.

In the end, this movie is a perfect picture of young people on a very legitimate journey to understand truth. It asks many really important questions, and exposes the dark and ugly control of cults like the Westboro Baptist Church [who are a blight on Christianity today]. And lastly, there is NO substitute for seeking Christ in spirit and in truth. And there is NO substitute for having a real relationship with Christ. :-)

*SPOILERS* from here down:

I'm glad that this movie didn't end with the girl giving up on God. I'm so glad she was met with truth and the truth set her free; and that her "freedom" didn't mean total godlessness, but instead, just REAL Biblical truth and freedom in Christ--or at least a great new place to re-begin her journey to the real Jesus Christ.

Vimeo Trailer Here:

Paradise Recovered Trailer from Storme Wood on Vimeo.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Never doubt that even in your greatest weakness you will be made STRONG - IF you fully rely and trust in God. And if you do struggle with doubt, ask Him to help your unbelief, because He will help you. He will uphold you while your faith is being built strong, and He will cause you to come the rest of the journey...into your greatest form of VALOR not even imaginable! Praise God gratefully for all He is, is doing, and is about to do!!

"And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became VALIENT in battle." (Emphasis mine)

Hebrews 11:32–34