Sunday, November 18, 2012

Art History Podcast - Photographer Ann Ilagan

This podcast was made for my Art History Class, with Full Sail University. 


All Photographs courtesy of Ann Ilagan (used with permission).

*Most photos were found on Ann Ilagan's Facebook Photography page (and a few on her personal page - URL not shown here) -

                                               Thank You For Watching!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How NOT to Communicate: An Instructive Comic Short

Here is a comic strip video I did for Behavioral Science class, on the different types of bad communicators. These eleven are all examples of how NOT to communicate. Evan and I did the voice acting. Being silly is sooo fun!! ;-) Enjoy!
*The comic was created online at MAKES BELIEFS COMIX. Used with permission.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Script for Optimism/Pessimism Cartoon

 Here's a tiny video script I did for my behavioral science class. It's created to demonstrate the six different explanatory styles. Enjoy!

Wk 1: Optimism Discussion; Script for Optimism/Pessimism Cartoon.

Scenario: Received an “A” in Creative Writing class.

Pessimist Peggy: “It must have been a fluke that I received that A in Creative Writing Class.” - External
Optimist Opie: “I got an A too, and I know I earned it!” - Internal
Pessimist Peggy: “I’m happy I aced the class, but the other classes may be a lot harder. Maybe I won’t do so well in those.” - Temporary
Optimist Opie: “Now that I have a feel for Full Sail, I am excited to keep learning, growing and doing better—and I purpose to keep straight A’s!” - Permanent
Pessimist Peggy: “I’m not so sure. Besides, that was only one A, with my luck, the Full Sail teachers will all hate me, and I'll never get an A again.” - Specific
Optimist Opie: “Peggy, quit being so pessimistic. This class, and every class at Full Sail will give me the proper tools and education to become the writer I know I am destined to become!” - Universal