Sunday, November 10, 2013

MOVIE: 'Paradise Recovered' Review...

The movie, 'Paradise Recovered' (2010) represents a young woman's awakening from a cult, not an actual non-denominational church--though that's what the cult calls itself. I say this first to make clear that this DOES NOT represent what real non-denominational churches are like. That being said, this movie is an excellent portrayal of what 'legalism' and 'man-made religiosity' looks like. Yuck....

This movie touches on:

1)  Modern day pharisees--cult leaders and control freaks who long to control people through terror and oppression.
2)  False prophets and church leaders who "play the game" for the purpose of social status, power, and/or financial gain--through Biblical half-truths, oppression, and manipulative terror tactics.
3)  Lost and confused followers, who are too oppressed and afraid to ask badly needed questions or make waves (of any kind) that might lead to the truth and subsequent freedom.
4)  Well educated skeptics who are truly great people on a journey that may well lead them to Christ; and who were far better representatives of Christ than the cult church!
5)  And lastly, a true minister of the Gospel who, like Christ, chooses to love and accept people where they are, and who is not afraid to allow the Grace of God (not condemnation and control) do a work in people.

In the end, this movie is a perfect picture of young people on a very legitimate journey to understand truth. It asks many really important questions, and exposes the dark and ugly control of cults like the Westboro Baptist Church [who are a blight on Christianity today]. And lastly, there is NO substitute for seeking Christ in spirit and in truth. And there is NO substitute for having a real relationship with Christ. :-)

*SPOILERS* from here down:

I'm glad that this movie didn't end with the girl giving up on God. I'm so glad she was met with truth and the truth set her free; and that her "freedom" didn't mean total godlessness, but instead, just REAL Biblical truth and freedom in Christ--or at least a great new place to re-begin her journey to the real Jesus Christ.

Vimeo Trailer Here:

Paradise Recovered Trailer from Storme Wood on Vimeo.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Never doubt that even in your greatest weakness you will be made STRONG - IF you fully rely and trust in God. And if you do struggle with doubt, ask Him to help your unbelief, because He will help you. He will uphold you while your faith is being built strong, and He will cause you to come the rest of the journey...into your greatest form of VALOR not even imaginable! Praise God gratefully for all He is, is doing, and is about to do!!

"And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became VALIENT in battle." (Emphasis mine)

Hebrews 11:32–34

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Art History Podcast - Photographer Ann Ilagan

This podcast was made for my Art History Class, with Full Sail University. 


All Photographs courtesy of Ann Ilagan (used with permission).

*Most photos were found on Ann Ilagan's Facebook Photography page (and a few on her personal page - URL not shown here) -

                                               Thank You For Watching!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How NOT to Communicate: An Instructive Comic Short

Here is a comic strip video I did for Behavioral Science class, on the different types of bad communicators. These eleven are all examples of how NOT to communicate. Evan and I did the voice acting. Being silly is sooo fun!! ;-) Enjoy!
*The comic was created online at MAKES BELIEFS COMIX. Used with permission.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Script for Optimism/Pessimism Cartoon

 Here's a tiny video script I did for my behavioral science class. It's created to demonstrate the six different explanatory styles. Enjoy!

Wk 1: Optimism Discussion; Script for Optimism/Pessimism Cartoon.

Scenario: Received an “A” in Creative Writing class.

Pessimist Peggy: “It must have been a fluke that I received that A in Creative Writing Class.” - External
Optimist Opie: “I got an A too, and I know I earned it!” - Internal
Pessimist Peggy: “I’m happy I aced the class, but the other classes may be a lot harder. Maybe I won’t do so well in those.” - Temporary
Optimist Opie: “Now that I have a feel for Full Sail, I am excited to keep learning, growing and doing better—and I purpose to keep straight A’s!” - Permanent
Pessimist Peggy: “I’m not so sure. Besides, that was only one A, with my luck, the Full Sail teachers will all hate me, and I'll never get an A again.” - Specific
Optimist Opie: “Peggy, quit being so pessimistic. This class, and every class at Full Sail will give me the proper tools and education to become the writer I know I am destined to become!” - Universal

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


[HOLD fast to HOPE] Cling to your dream or your vision, whatever that may be. You've got to BELIEVE. Have faith in God; trust He is working all things together for your good. ... "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all".
--Dale Carnegie (art by Daniel Mallek --

Monday, January 17, 2011

Choose to Hear and Do

Everything in life is a CHOICE. Do not be like those who sit back and wait on CHANCE to arrive (their ship comes in, their lottery ticket wins, ect). Successful people work with God, HEARING His voice and being doers of His word — following what He’s asked us to do (don’t know what that is? Ask Him. :-) — and when you do that, the doors of opportunity will open wide!

---THEA (Art work by Eugene Thirion 1876 -- Joan of Arc)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Faith needs Action!

Faith requires an action, and like that winter coat in your closet, you have to take it out and USE it for it to be effective. How? ‘PRAYING ‘(it’s like reaching up and shaking God’s hand in agreement—sealing the faith deal), ‘SPEAKING’ o.n.l.y what lines up with God, and stepping out and ‘DOING’ what God has asked us to do...even if it makes no sense in the natural. Then, STAND FIRM and repeat. ;-)

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Power of WORDS...

Choose the WORDS you speak wisely--because they are a powerful PRAYER at all times. They can hurt U or cause u2 soar. Words can bring light to a sad face, or anger to one that was content.

So what are u "praying" over yourself , your life, or others when u
speak? If u say sticks & stones break bones but words will never
matter...think again, they matter greatly, or God would have choose
something OTHER than WORDS to fill the Bible. :-) And as a writer, I
dig that!!! ♥

The Pseudo-Power of Positive Thinking

“Put the words of Jesus in your mouth and keep them there, so THE BLESSING can work uninterrupted until it is finished, and whatever
you’re believing for has manifested in your life.” – Kenneth Copeland

The power of "positive thinking" is based on SELF-generated-prophesy--an
empty power that is doomed to fall apart when the first sign of a real
storm comes along. The power of God's WORD is based on unshakable TRUTH
that has already stood the test of time. Foolish is the one who thinks
to live by the principles of God and yet give him zero glory. ♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday, November 21, 2010

"Seek to understand, and you'll be understood." ...Cause yourself to be in a place where you are emotionally and mentally centered enough to not only 'walk a mile' in the other person's shoes--but to actually FEEL what it is to be in their shoes.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Line Up, then Begin Again

This weekend I've spent ample time seeking my Creator, in my belly this is what I heard, "Time, patience and endurance wins the race. I know the desires of your heart and know that I am working things together for your good. DO NOT question things, for I am doing a good work. You have jumped ahead too soon, and as a result you have fallen behind. Now, begin again, walk the steps I have laid for you. DO NOT look to circumstances but trust and be patient. Have faith! As you line up, what your heart desires can then be opened to you." God, I'm at the foot of your throne embracing u with everything that I am. Thank you.